Psalm of the Day                                                         Bread of Life                                                                      Psalm 54


Psalm 54

1O God, save me, | by your name,*

         and vindicate me | by your might.

2O God, | hear my prayer;*

         give ear to the words | of my mouth.

3For strangers have risen against me;

         ruthless men | seek my life;*

         they do not set God be- | fore themselves.

4Behold, God is my | helper;*

         the Lord is the upholder | of my life.

5He will return the evil to my | enemies;*

         in your faithfulness put an | end to them.

6With a freewill offering I will sacri- | fice to you;*

         I will give thanks to your name, O Lord, for | it is good.

7For he has delivered me from every | trouble,*

         and my eye has looked in triumph on my | enemies.